Style & Application

Natalie began her artistic journey at a very young age. Always with a pencil or Faber Castell texta in hand, she found comfort in creating worlds. 
Natalie studied a Bachelor of Visual Art in 2008 at James Cook University, Townsville. In 2021, she went on to pursue a BVA Honours degree. 
For her Honours year, Natalie researched the application of the steelyard principle in landscape painting.  The key research question was: If the steelyard principle is a basis for creating asymmetrical balance in two-dimensional landscape compositions, which elements of design are most commonly used by artists to communicate this balance? This led to a further development in hybrid and trans-media painting techniques. 
Natalie has two distinct styles of artistic application; Digital and Traditional. For her digital pieces, Natalie focuses on creating form through the use of colour and shape movement. For her more traditionally created pieces, Natalie focuses on creating drama through the combination of technology and colour value. Under paintings are created digitally and printed with the application of acrylic paint applied on top. This style of painting was developed during her Honours research year. Natalie has found it to be very flexible, dramatic and provides more room for exploration and paint application.